Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pellentesque non aliquet lorem, non fermentum justo.

    Pellentesque non aliquet lorem, non fermentum justo. Integer sagittis magna ut magna pulvinar, vitae placerat nulla maximus. Aenean non rutrum magna. Ut quis augue a nisl luctus sodales. Fusce tempus, odio eget consectetur dignissim, risus erat convallis enim, gravida laoreet mauris erat ut magna. Integer ac urna porttitor, sagittis ipsum at, bibendum urna. Pellentesque suscipit felis a dictum condimentum. Aliquam in enim ut enim ullamcorper maximus. Duis eget egestas leo. Suspendisse pretium vitae est vitae pellentesque. Etiam quis nunc magna. Praesent feugiat congue bibendum. Pellentesque et risus pretium, condimentum dolor ac, vestibulum urna. Integer a magna nisl. Donec suscipit lacinia tincidunt. Suspendisse gravida laoreet ante dignissim consectetur.

  • EN: Donec malesuada risus vitae eros accumsan cursus.

    EN: Donec malesuada risus vitae eros accumsan cursus. Mauris euismod ultrices nisl, sed aliquam lacus porttitor ut. Aenean sit amet ullamcorper felis. Mauris consequat lobortis est ac lobortis. Vestibulum consectetur dignissim eleifend. Phasellus maximus lectus orci, nec bibendum velit imperdiet quis. Maecenas congue risus ut erat feugiat dictum.

  • Integer commodo fringilla dui.

    Integer commodo fringilla dui, a fringilla turpis euismod vitae. Cras id egestas sem. Suspendisse leo risus, laoreet vitae tristique sit amet, facilisis in quam. Cras massa tortor, faucibus eget rhoncus ut, ornare mattis leo. Morbi efficitur sed metus et cursus. Cras facilisis nisi facilisis arcu posuere, et aliquet magna fringilla. Mauris vestibulum quis dolor quis facilisis. Mauris aliquam, mauris molestie bibendum porta, tortor enim pellentesque sapien, condimentum hendrerit diam justo nec ante. Pellentesque condimentum dui sit amet aliquet feugiat. Nam est lectus, consectetur id dapibus eu, dignissim sed lectus. Proin mollis lectus faucibus nisl dignissim, eget tincidunt sem cursus. Donec blandit consequat est, a pulvinar dolor pulvinar ut. Etiam rhoncus at sapien et porttitor. Phasellus aliquam, lorem vitae dignissim semper, nibh magna blandit metus, vel sodales turpis odio ac tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque sit amet pellentesque leo.

  • Will players be certified?

    All participating player will be given an AO Camps Participation Certificate in the presence of their families on the last day of the camp.

  • What is the scope of Axa Insurance?

    All health problems that our children may encounter within the scope of our activities during our organization between the time of entering the camp on Monday morning and leaving the camp on Friday are guaranteed by AXA Insurance.

  • What are the nutrition details in the camp?

    Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be prepared and served by our nutritionists for our players who will attend our camp as boarders. A lunch menu will be prepared and presented by our nutritionists to our players who will attend our camp without accommodation.

  • Can licensed players attend the camp?

    Yes, they can participate. This camp is open to all licensed and unlicensed football players. The main purpose of our camp is to give "Advanced Football Training" to the players in a fun way for 5 days.

  • What are the documents required for registration?

    Electronic planning over the Internet, approval by the family will be sufficient for registration.

  • What products do the training kits we will give to the athletes cover?

    Each of our athletes will be given 2 jerseys with Altınordu FK crest, 2 jerseys, 2 leggings, 1 water bottle and 1 bag by Comet Sports & Events. During the winter season, the jersey team is replaced by the tracksuit team.

  • What is Comet Sportive events limited company?

    It is the contracted company that has undertaken all the activities of Altınordu in the national and international arena. They took part in the organization of important tournaments such as MTU Hallen Cup, U12 Izmir Cup, Qatar 3 Series Cup.

  • What are the rules to be followed in the room?

    1. Waking and sleeping times will be applied according to the given program. 2. Each player will make his own bed. 3. Each player will only sleep in his own bed and use only his own equipment. 4. In case of extra need, assistance will be requested from the facility manager. 5. Attention will be paid to loudness in activities such as listening to music, watching television in the room. 6. Food and beverage will not be consumed in the room. 7. Electrical appliances, lights and taps will be kept off when the room is not in use. 8. Mobile phones can be used in free times outside of activity hours.

  • What are the materials that should be brought with you to the camp?

    a. T-shirts, shorts, underwear, socks and hats for 5 days. b. Grass field training shoes (without iron spikes), 2 pairs of sneakers for indoor football and gym, one pair of slippers. c. 1 swimsuit shorts, beach towel and sunscreen to be used in the elective event. d. Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo. e. Continuous medication, if any. f. White underwear for winter

  • What is the course you follow if our athlete is suspected of COVID?

    -Quick test/Antigen is done by our Health Unit. -Our athlete is rested in the Campus Quarantine Room. - In case of a positive situation, the athlete's roommate is tested. -In case of positive, all tests are done. - It is passed with the family and is followed by the guide with the delivery of the athlete to the family.
